24" X 32", acrylic and clay on canvas. When I was a kid I used to play a game with my sisters and cousins in which one person would make a scribble on a piece of paper and then pass it on to the next person. That person had to look at the scribbled shape and think about what the shape reminded them of. They had to add on to the scribble until the drawing looked like something recognizable. I read that the surrealists used to play a similar game. A few years ago I began to explore automatic drawing as a way to create images that were unplanned and had some of the qualities that I liked about the doodles that I produce when I'm taking to someone on the phone, or killing time on the train. The drawing that I started with for this painting was produced by simply moving my pencil on the paper, and trying to develop shapes, and values without moving toward anything specific.